Manufacturing Victory: A No-Code Tale on the Factory Floor at Low Code Today

Manufacturing Victory: A No-Code Tale on the Factory Floor
How do you get LCNC buy-in in an environment resistant to change?
Troy Sword is the citizen developer at Benestar Brands, the world’s leading producer of crunchy pork snacks. He spearheads the no-code rollout across all 5 US plants both on and off the plant floor. With Troy leading the charge, their team transformed their paper-based processes into streamlined digital ones.
Join a fireside chat with Nim and Troy to learn how Benestar Brands built a proactive, problem-solving culture in a multilingual environment using LCNC. Hear how they:
– Saved hundreds of thousands of dollars cloning expensive software
– Eliminated $45K/month in waste
– Empowered a happier and more involved workforce

Kintone Product Introduction Video